Here are three different verses Paul wrote through his letters. We are familiar with most of them, but I am going to put the date of which each of these verses were written.
"I am the least of all the apostles." I Corinthians 15:9 (55 AD)
"I am the very least of all the saints." Ephesians 3:8 (60 AD)
"I am the chief of all sinners." 1 Timothy 1:15 (63 AD)
This was pretty remarkable to me. Keep in mind as these letters are written by Paul, he is having more and more influence in the early church. He is beginning to have the respect of every believer in many provinces. And yet he does not have an ego that is growing as his ministry grows. As each year progresses in his ministry, he is more and more aware of his humanity. Paul boasts, but he boasts in the Lord, not himself.
I think these three verses give us great insight into spiritual maturity as well. Ministry, life, and relationship with God are not a journey walked by self-reliance. Spiritual maturity happens as we depend on God more fully. As Paul became more aware of his actual state, the power of the risen Lord was displayed through him magnificently.
In II Corinthians 10:5 it says, "We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God."
I think this is a statement that is true for nonbelievers and believers alike. Pride, self-righteousness, self-reliance are all examples of proud obstacles that keep us from knowing God.
What proud obstacles in your life are keeping you from knowing God more intimately?
How do you view yourself and others? Do you see yourself as better than most?
Are you ok with others knowing you as the self-proclaimed chief of all sinners?
The way we see ourselves changes how much we rely on God. And how much we rely on God will allow more opportunities for God to be glorified through us.