Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Spiritual Inadequacy

The day before our mission trip to Haiti started, our team had the privilege of having a share time to better prepare our hearts for the upcoming trip. An interesting question was asked: "What are you most afraid of about the upcoming trip?" Of course Michelle Matijevich said spiders, some talked of language barriers, and others talked about how hard it would be to not be in a leadership position of control.

However, there was one answer that was a common theme among college age people including myself. (does 23 still count?) As the fact that we were leaving tomorrow set in, many of us were afraid because we felt inadequate to share the gospel and serve in His Name due to struggles and sins in our life that we were bringing into the trip. Why did it take me the day before my mission trip to have a willingness to deal with that inadequacy or weakness? I knew inside that God was desiring to make his love known through me, but how is that any different than any other moment throughout the year when I am in Lubbock? It's not, but I make it different. I realize many times I focus on fixing myself instead of looking and asking God how he is longing to transform the people around me and myself. There have also been times in my life when I focus so much on ministry that I forget and ignore really what God wants to do in me. It's crazy to me to see how naturally a lifestyle of being apart of God's royal priesthood, a minister, a preacher, or a christian still intersects with God transforming my own weakness. I think it is apart of God's desire to grow the whole of me and not just part of me.

I also think spiritual inadequacy is the first tactic the enemy uses to keep us from sharing his gospel. I think we need to do a better job of recognizing that. Kelly McCuaig encouraged us by sharing "Remember that if anyone is in Christ, you are a new creation! Live in that promise."

Are you living in that promise of being a new creation?

Are you allowing God to grow the whole of you, not just part of you?

Are you sharing Him?

Are you overwhelmed with inadequacy?

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